Nut Suite. Mini reviews of albums old and new. Minimum words. No fuss. No spoilers [?]. Occasional smugs.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Honestly, how much artistic merit could stem from a sex-obsessed Jew in spandex and a theoretical physicist parading around as a keyboard playing ninja? Quite a lot, oddly enough. Tales of sexual debauchery, high fantasy yarns and NSP’s self-fashioned origins all effortlessly ride the waves of an endlessly exhilarating ocean of synth-y glam rock goodness. They also momentarily dabble in jazz, to mostly great effect. Tenacious D’s heinously vacated shoes have been filled by a duo capable of making a song about humping inanimate objects genuinely beautiful.

Songs of Note: Objects of Desire; Dinosaur Laser Fight

4 Neg Specials out of 5

Nutted by NEG (who's also NSFW).

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